This is NOT what Jesus said!

by John Paul Philips

Ever stopped to think about why a post like this is even needed? It's kind of wild when you think about it. The basics of what Jesus taught us — things like being kind and loving each other — are pretty straightforward. Yet, here we are, needing a reminder. Why? Because, let's face it, the world can get pretty rough, and sometimes, we forget the simplest rules of being a decent human being.

Things that Jesus did not say:

  1. Hate thy neighbor
  2. Mock thy neighbor
  3. Humiliate thy neighbor
  4. Laugh at thy Neighbor

What Jesus actually said:

  • Love thy neighbor
Seeing the contrast between those lists makes you pause, doesn’t it? Jesus’ message was about love — no ifs, ands, or buts. He didn’t say, “Love your neighbor, but only if they agree with you,” or “Love your neighbor, but only if they’re the same as you.” 
Nope. He kept it simple: Love. Your. Neighbor.

So why am I writing this? It's a little nudge, a reminder that maybe we've gone a bit off track. The culture, the internet, our communities, even our friends and families can sometimes become battlegrounds for who's right and who's wrong. But what if we spent more time focusing on that simple command: Love people? Instead of hating upon each other, and belittling people?

It might seem like a drop in the ocean, but think about it. Every kind word, every act of understanding, every moment we choose empathy over indifference, it adds up. It’s like planting seeds of kindness; you never know how or when they’ll bloom, but they will.

Being kind and loving isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about making a real difference. It means listening, really listening, even when we disagree. It’s about offering a hand, even when we don’t understand what the other person is going through. It’s choosing to see the person behind the opinions, the human behind the screen.

This post is here to say, hey, let’s not forget the core of what Jesus taught us. It’s not outdated, and it’s not impossible. It’s about loving your neighbor, and that neighbor isn’t just the person next door. It’s the coworker you disagree with, the family member who drives you nuts, the stranger online, and the friend who’s hurting.

Wrapping up, this isn’t just about being a “good person.” It’s about being a GOOD CHRISTIAN. In a world that’s quick to judge and slow to understand, let’s be the ones who love first-after our Lord and Savior who loved us first! Let’s make the choice every day to be kind, to be compassionate, and to remember that at the end of the day, love is what truly matters. 

So, let’s take it from Jesus: Love people. It’s as simple — and as challenging — as that. But imagine the difference it could make. Let’s not just talk about it; let’s be about it. Let us strive to be a GOOD CHRISTIAN.


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