This is NOT what Jesus said!
by John Paul Philips Ever stopped to think about why a post like this is even needed? It's kind of wild when you think about it. The basics of what Jesus taught us — things like being kind and loving each other — are pretty straightforward. Yet, here we are, needing a reminder. Why? Because, let's face it, the world can get pretty rough, and sometimes, we forget the simplest rules of being a decent human being. Credit: Denis-Art | iStock Things that Jesus did not say: Hate thy neighbor Mock thy neighbor Humiliate thy neighbor Laugh at thy Neighbor What Jesus actually said: Love thy neighbor Seeing the contrast between those lists makes you pause, doesn’t it? Jesus’ message was about love — no ifs, ands, or buts. He didn’t say, “Love your neighbor, but only if they agree with you,” or “Love your neighbor, but only if they’re the same as you.” Nope. He kept it simple: Love. Your. Neighbor. So why am I writing this? It's a little nudge, a reminder that maybe we've gone a ...