
Showing posts from February, 2024

This is NOT what Jesus said!

by John Paul Philips Ever stopped to think about why a post like this is even needed? It's kind of wild when you think about it. The basics of what Jesus taught us — things like being kind and loving each other — are pretty straightforward. Yet, here we are, needing a reminder. Why? Because, let's face it, the world can get pretty rough, and sometimes, we forget the simplest rules of being a decent human being. Credit: Denis-Art | iStock Things that Jesus did not say: Hate thy neighbor Mock thy neighbor Humiliate thy neighbor Laugh at thy Neighbor What Jesus actually said: Love thy neighbor Seeing the contrast between those lists makes you pause, doesn’t it? Jesus’ message was about love — no ifs, ands, or buts. He didn’t say, “Love your neighbor, but only if they agree with you,” or “Love your neighbor, but only if they’re the same as you.”  Nope. He kept it simple: Love. Your. Neighbor. So why am I writing this? It's a little nudge, a reminder that maybe we've gone a ...

Three (of the many) Solutions that Christianity offers the world today!

by John Paul Philips Throughout history, Christianity and the World have had an interesting relationship. Certain eras were more Christian while some others were but the opposite.  In a day where the prevalence of sanity is questionable; where people are unwilling to hear each other out; where everybody takes the " my way or the highway" approach"; and where everyone is quick to judge and reach their own conclusions: Christianity offers us three tried and tested solutions to consider.  Seek Wisdom, like the great Solomon of the Old. Armed with that wisdom, be courageous to stand up for what is right like the great Queen Esther of the Old. Live with and for the Lord like Mary and Joseph. Edwin Long , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 1. Seek Wisdom, like the great Solomon of the Old KING Solomon asked God not for wealth or long life, but for an understanding heart and wisdom to judge his people and to distinguish between good and evil (1 Kings 3:9). This teaches us th...