Dorcas (Tabitha) from the Bible and Life Lessons from her!

✨ “…through love serve one another.” Gal 5:13 ✨

In Acts 9:36-42 we learn about a woman who made a difference to the world around her. Her example can be compared to that of our Lord Jesus.

In the city of Joppa, a woman named Tabitha (Dorcas) was known for “abounding with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did” (Acts 9:36).

This woman became ill and died. Her death upset her friends. When they heard that Peter was near by in Lydda, they sent and asked that he come to them quickly.

Peter came and found the widows mourning the loss of Dorcas. They were showing “all the tunics and garments that Dorcas used to make while she was with them.”

Peter then sends everyone out of the room, he prays to God and then tells Tabitha to get up. She wakes up and walks out of the room with Peter to where her friends are waiting.

The event became known all over the city of Joppa and many people believed in the Lord.

➡️One little woman.

➡️We do not know if she was married.

➡️The example she left showed a constant desire to serve others.

➡️She didn’t just give to charity every now and then. Her deeds were “abounding” and it was something she did “continually”.

➡️Dorcas was obviously a talented woman. Either being a seamstress was what she did for a living or she made garments as part of her acts of charity. Either way, she used the skills she had to fill the needs of others. How very like the woman in Proverbs 31!

➡️God used the opportunity of her death to encourage those who loved her (they did get more time with her) and bring others to Christ through the miracle that proved the Word to be true.

➡️If Dorcas had not been who she was, would Joppa have heard the gospel the way they did? I don’t know. But I do know that God’s Word was spread because this woman lived to serve.

In the words of St.Francis de Sales, 'be who you are and be that well.' God will look after the rest!


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